The LEFT JOIN returns the matching records from the Left Table (Table_I) and the Right Table (Table_2).The INNER JOIN Query returns the when there is at least one match in both tables.
In other words it returns only the matching rows from both the tables.
SELECT Column_name(s) FROM Table_1 T1 INNER JOIN Table_2 T2
ON T1.Column_name=T2.Column_name
Note: INNER JOIN is the same as JOIN.
Example :
Suppose we have two tables as follows
The "ORDERS" Table:
The "CUSTOMERS" Table:
Now we want to list all the Customers with any Orders.We use the following Inner Join Query:
Select O.Order_Id,C.Cust_Name,C.Cust_Id,C.Cust_Location,O.Sales_Period,O.Sales from ORDERS O INNER JOIN CUSTOMERS C ON C.Cust_Id = O.Cust_Id
Output :
Notes :
--If there are rows in "Customers" that do not have matches in "Orders", those rows will NOT be listed.
--The following Inner Join Query returns the matching records and displays All the Columns from Orders table and only Cust_Name column from Customers Table
Select O.*,Cust_Name from Orders O
Customers C
ON O.Cust_Id=C.Cust_Id
--The following Inner Join Query returns the matching records and displays All the Columns from both the Orders table and Customers tables.
Select* from Orders O
Customers C
ON O.Cust_Id=C.Cust_Id
Thanks, TAMATAM ; Business Intelligence & Analytics Professional
The LEFT JOIN returns the matching records from the Left Table (Table_I) and the Right Table (Table_2).The INNER JOIN Query returns the when there is at least one match in both tables.
In other words it returns only the matching rows from both the tables.
SELECT Column_name(s) FROM Table_1 T1 INNER JOIN Table_2 T2
ON T1.Column_name=T2.Column_name
Note: INNER JOIN is the same as JOIN.
Example :
Suppose we have two tables as follows
The "ORDERS" Table:
The "CUSTOMERS" Table:
Now we want to list all the Customers with any Orders.We use the following Inner Join Query:
Select O.Order_Id,C.Cust_Name,C.Cust_Id,C.Cust_Location,O.Sales_Period,O.Sales from ORDERS O INNER JOIN CUSTOMERS C ON C.Cust_Id = O.Cust_Id
Output :
Notes :
--If there are rows in "Customers" that do not have matches in "Orders", those rows will NOT be listed.
--The following Inner Join Query returns the matching records and displays All the Columns from Orders table and only Cust_Name column from Customers Table
Select O.*,Cust_Name from Orders O
Customers C
ON O.Cust_Id=C.Cust_Id
--The following Inner Join Query returns the matching records and displays All the Columns from both the Orders table and Customers tables.
Select* from Orders O
Customers C
ON O.Cust_Id=C.Cust_Id
Thanks, TAMATAM ; Business Intelligence & Analytics Professional
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