Friday, February 7, 2025

How to use Encode and Decode methods for binary-to-text conversions in Power Query

How to Encode and Decode the binary-to-text conversions using M-Query in Power BI
In Power Query, Base64 Encoding is a standard method for encoding binary data into Base64 encoded text format using ASCII characters.

1) Encoding Text:
Base64 Encoding is a way to represent binary data (like images or files) in a text format using only ASCII characters. It's called Base64 because it uses 64 different characters to represent the data.

Please Note: 
This method should not be used as a secure method for protecting sensitive information. It is simply a way to represent binary data in an ASCII string format. Anyone who can decode Base64 can easily get the original data.

How Base64 Encoding Works:
a) Convert to Binary: First, the text is converted to binary data.
b) Split into Groups: The binary data is split into groups of 6 bits.
c) Map to Characters: Each group is mapped to one of the 64 characters in the Base64 alphabet (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, and /).

    text2Encode = "Sample_1#X2$y#3&Z_9@a8#B&7C_Key",
    binaryData = Text.ToBinary(text2Encode),
    base64Encoded = Binary.ToText(binaryData, BinaryEncoding.Base64)


2) Decoding Text:
Base64 Decoding is the reverse process of Base64 encoding. It converts the Base64 encoded text back into its original binary form(like an image, file, or text).

How Base64 Decoding Works:
a) Map to Binary: Each character in the Base64 encoded text is mapped back to its 6-bit binary representation.
b) Combine Groups: The binary groups are combined into the original binary data.
c) Convert to Text: Finally, the binary data is converted back to the original text or file.

    base64Text = "U2FtcGxlXzEjWDIkeSMzJlpfOUBhOCNCJjdDX0tleQ==",
    binaryData = Binary.FromText(base64Text, BinaryEncoding.Base64),
    decodedText = Text.FromBinary(binaryData)



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