T-SQL to Query to retrieve the Minimum and Maximum Salary drawing Employee Details by Department
Scenario :
Suppose we have the Employee Table and a Department Table as follows, from which we want Query the following details.
1) The details of the Employees who are drawing Highest/Maximum and Lowest/Minimum Salary.
2) The details of the Employees who are drawing Highest/Maximum and Lowest/Minimum Salary by Department.
Select * From Tbl_Emp
Scenario :
Suppose we have the Employee Table and a Department Table as follows, from which we want Query the following details.
1) The details of the Employees who are drawing Highest/Maximum and Lowest/Minimum Salary.
2) The details of the Employees who are drawing Highest/Maximum and Lowest/Minimum Salary by Department.
Select * From Tbl_Emp
Select * From Tbl_Dept
1) Query to retrieve the details of the Employees who are drawing Highest/Maximum and Lowest/Minimum Salary.
Select S1.RowNum, S1.Emp_Id,S1.EmpName, D.DeptName,S1.NetSal
Select ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( Order By NetSal ) as RowNum,
* From Tbl_Emp
S1 Inner Join Tbl_Dept D
On S1.Dept_Id=D.DeptId
Select Emp_Id,EmpName,DeptName,NetSal From MyCTE
Where RowNum = (Select Min(RowNum) from MyCTE)
OR RowNum = (Select Max(RowNum) from MyCTE)
Please note that this result shows the Employees who are drawing Maximum and Minimum Salary out of all Employees of all Departments.
2) Query to retrieve the details of the Employees who are drawing Highest/Maximum and Lowest/Minimum Salary by Department.
Select S1.RowNum, S1.Emp_Id,S1.EmpName, D.DeptName,S1.NetSal
Select ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY Dept_Id Order By NetSal ) as RowNum, * From Tbl_Emp
S1 Inner Join Tbl_Dept D
On S1.Dept_Id=D.DeptId
Select Emp_Id,EmpName,DeptName,NetSal From MyCTE
Where RowNum IN (Select Min(RowNum) from MyCTE Group By DeptName)
OR RowNum IN (Select Max(RowNum) from MyCTE Group By DeptName)
Here I used the Common Table Expressions(CTEs) method to handle the Scenario. You achieve the same using different Methods as well.
Here I used the Common Table Expressions(CTEs) method to handle the Scenario. You achieve the same using different Methods as well.
Thanks, TAMATAM ; Business Intelligence & Analytics Professional
Thanks, TAMATAM ; Business Intelligence & Analytics Professional
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