Sunday, November 11, 2018

How to use While loop in R Programming

While loop statement in R Programming
While Loop:
The While loop is a statement that keeps running until a condition is satisfied.

while (test_expression)

Example 1:
We will create a loop and after each run add 1 to the stored variable. You need to close the loop, therefore we explicitly tells R to stop looping when the variable reached 10.
>x <- 1
while (x <= 10)
cat('The loop number is:',x,"\n")
x <- x+1
cat('The value of the variable x is:',x,"\n")

Output :
The loop number is: 1
The value of the variable x is: 2
The loop number is: 2
The value of the variable x is: 3
The loop number is: 3
The value of the variable x is: 4
The loop number is: 4
The value of the variable x is: 5
The loop number is: 5
The value of the variable x is: 6
The loop number is: 6
The value of the variable x is: 7
The loop number is: 7
The value of the variable x is: 8
The loop number is: 8
The value of the variable x is: 9
The loop number is: 9
The value of the variable x is: 10
The loop number is: 10
The value of the variable x is: 11

Example 2 :
Suppose we bought a stock at price of 50 dollars. If the price goes below 45, we want to short it. Otherwise, we keep it in our portfolio. The price can fluctuate between -10 to +10 around 50 after each loop. You can write the code as follow:

>base_price <- 50
>cur_price <- 50

>x <- 1

>while (cur_price > 45)

# Create a random price between 40 and 60
cur_price <- base_price + sample(-10:10, 1)

# Print the Loop number 
cat("The number of the loop is:",x,"\n")

#Increment the variable by 1 
   x= x+1

# Print the current price of the stock
cat("The current price of the stock is:",cur_price,"\n")


Output :
The number of the loop is: 1
The current price of the stock is: 46
The number of the loop is: 2
The current price of the stock is: 56
The number of the loop is: 3
The current price of the stock is: 48
The number of the loop is: 4
The current price of the stock is: 58
The number of the loop is: 5
The current price of the stock is: 59
The number of the loop is: 6
The current price of the stock is: 40


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