How to Convert Multiple Rows from a Column into a CSV List in SQL Server
RgnName Varchar(50)
Now we can convert these rows into a single List of Comma Separated Values using various Methods as follows..
1) Using COALESCE Function:
The COALESCE Function evaluates the arguments in order and always returns first non-null value from the defined argument list.
Declare @RegionTable As Table
RgnName Varchar(50)
Insert Into @RegionTable Values ( 'East'),('West'),('123.456'),('South'),('987.654'),('North')
Select * From @RegionTable
Declare @listStr Varchar(4000)
Select @listStr = COALESCE(@listStr+',' ,'') + RgnName
From @RegionTable
Select @listStr As 'RgnList'
2) Using SubString Function:
Suppose we have the Table with data as follows..
Declare @RegionTable As Table(
RgnName Varchar(50)
Insert Into @RegionTable
Values ( 'East'),('West'),('123.456'),('South'),('987.654'),('North')
Values ( 'East'),('West'),('123.456'),('South'),('987.654'),('North')
Select * From @RegionTable
1) Using COALESCE Function:
The COALESCE Function evaluates the arguments in order and always returns first non-null value from the defined argument list.
Declare @RegionTable As Table
RgnName Varchar(50)
Insert Into @RegionTable Values ( 'East'),('West'),('123.456'),('South'),('987.654'),('North')
Select * From @RegionTable
Declare @listStr Varchar(4000)
Select @listStr = COALESCE(@listStr+',' ,'') + RgnName
From @RegionTable
Select @listStr As 'RgnList'
2) Using SubString Function:
Declare @listStr Varchar(4000)
Set @listStr = ''
Select @listStr = @listStr + RgnName + ','
From [dbo].[RegionTable]
Select Substring(@listStr , 1, LEN(@listStr)-1) As 'RgnList'
Set @listStr = ''
Select @listStr = @listStr + RgnName + ','
From [dbo].[RegionTable]
Select Substring(@listStr , 1, LEN(@listStr)-1) As 'RgnList'
3) Using SubString Function with XML Method :
Select Substring((Select ',' + r.[RgnName] From @RegionTable r
Order By r.[RgnName]
FOR XML PATH('')),2,150000) AS RgnList
Order By r.[RgnName]
FOR XML PATH('')),2,150000) AS RgnList
Thanks, TAMATAM ; Business Intelligence & Analytics Professional
Thanks, TAMATAM ; Business Intelligence & Analytics Professional
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