SQL Sub Query with Count(*) Function, Over(Partition By..) Clause to Find the Employees having Same Salary By Department
Suppose we have the Employee and Department tables as follows..
Select * From [dbo].[Tbl_EmpDetails]
Select * From [dbo].[Tbl_Dept]
Now our objective here is to find and select the Employees who are drawing Same Salary.
We achieve that using the Count (*) Function with Over (Partition By..) Clause in Subquery as discussed below.
1) Employees Drawing the Same Salary :
We can find the Employees drawing the Same Salary by using the following Subquery on the Employee table as per below.
SELECT Emp_Id, EmpName, NetSal From
SELECT Emp_Id,EmpName, NetSal, Count(*) Over (Partition by NetSal) as SalaryCnt
FROM [dbo].[Tbl_EmpDetails]
) S1
WHERE SalaryCnt>1
SELECT Emp_Id,EmpName, NetSal, Count(*) Over (Partition by NetSal) as SalaryCnt
FROM [dbo].[Tbl_EmpDetails]
) S1
WHERE SalaryCnt>1
ORDER By NetSal Desc
Result :
2) Employees Drawing the Same Salary with Dept Details :
We can find the Employees drawing the Same Salary, with their Department Details using the following Subquery on the Employee and Department Tables as below.
We can find the Employees drawing the Same Salary, with their Department Details using the following Subquery on the Employee and Department Tables as below.
SELECT S1.Emp_Id,S1.EmpName,S1.DeptName, S1.NetSal
FROM(Select E.*, D.DeptName,Count(*) Over (Partition by E.NetSal) as SalaryCnt
From [dbo].[Tbl_EmpDetails] E
Inner Join [dbo].[Tbl_Dept] D
ON E.Dept_Id=D.DeptId
) S1
WHERE S1.SalaryCnt > 1
ORDER By S1.NetSal Desc
FROM(Select E.*, D.DeptName,Count(*) Over (Partition by E.NetSal) as SalaryCnt
From [dbo].[Tbl_EmpDetails] E
Inner Join [dbo].[Tbl_Dept] D
ON E.Dept_Id=D.DeptId
) S1
WHERE S1.SalaryCnt > 1
ORDER By S1.NetSal Desc
We can find the Employees drawing the Same Salary By Department using the following Subquery on the Employee and Department Tables as below.
SELECT S1.Emp_Id,S1.EmpName,S1.DeptName, S1.NetSal
Inner Join [dbo].[Tbl_Dept] D
ON E.Dept_Id=D.DeptId
) S1
WHERE S1.SalaryCnt > 1
ORDER By S1.NetSal Desc
From (Select E.*, D.DeptName,
Count(*) Over (Partition by D.DeptName,E.NetSal) as SalaryCnt
From [dbo].[Tbl_EmpDetails] EInner Join [dbo].[Tbl_Dept] D
ON E.Dept_Id=D.DeptId
) S1
WHERE S1.SalaryCnt > 1
ORDER By S1.NetSal Desc
Since No two Employees in the IT Department is having the Same Salary so that that record has been excluded.
Thanks, TAMATAM ; Business Intelligence & Analytics Professional
Thanks, TAMATAM ; Business Intelligence & Analytics Professional
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