Suppose we have a Table or Dataset "fct_Orders_Sample" in the Data Model. From this Table, we want to return the following Metadata:
"No. of Columns", "Column Name", "Column Type", "Column Size", "Column Cardinality"
Suppose we have a Table or Dataset "fct_Orders_Sample" in the Data Model. From this Table, we want to return the following Metadata:
"No. of Columns", "Column Name", "Column Type", "Column Size", "Column Cardinality"
We can achieve this Scenario, using the following Power M-Query:
/* Define your table name here */
TableName = "fct_Orders_Sample",
/* Use the actual table data here */
Source = #"fct_Orders_Sample",
/* Retrieve the schema of the table */
Schema = Table.Schema(Source),
ColumnNames = Schema[Name],
ColumnTypes = Schema[Kind],
/* Efficiently calculate the column sizes */
ColumnSizes = List.Transform(ColumnNames, each
ColumnData = Table.Column(Source, _),
DataSize = List.Sum(List.Transform(ColumnData,
each if _ is null then 0 else Binary.Length(Text.ToBinary(Text.From(_)))))
Number.Round(DataSize / (1024 * 1024), 4) /* Convert size to MB */
/* Calculate the total size of the table */
TotalSize = Number.Round(List.Sum(ColumnSizes), 4),
/* Calculate the cardinality for each column */
Cardinality = List.Transform(ColumnNames, each List.Count(List.Distinct(Table.Column(Source, _)))),
/* Find the maximum cardinality and its corresponding column */
MaxCardinality = List.Max(Cardinality),
MaxCardinalityColumn = ColumnNames{List.PositionOf(Cardinality, MaxCardinality)},
/* Retrieve the last refresh date from the table properties */
RefreshInfo = Value.Metadata(Source),
LastRefreshDate = Record.FieldOrDefault(RefreshInfo, "RefreshDate", DateTime.LocalNow()),
/* Create a metadata table from the lists */
MetadataTable = Table.FromColumns(
{List.Repeat({TableName}, List.Count(ColumnNames)), ColumnNames,
ColumnTypes, List.Repeat({List.Count(ColumnNames)}, List.Count(ColumnNames)),
ColumnSizes, List.Repeat({TotalSize}, List.Count(ColumnNames)),
Cardinality, List.Repeat({MaxCardinality}, List.Count(ColumnNames)),
List.Repeat({MaxCardinalityColumn}, List.Count(ColumnNames)),
List.Repeat({LastRefreshDate}, List.Count(ColumnNames))},
{"TableName", "ColumnName", "ColumnType", "NoOfColumns",
"ColumnSizeInMB", "TotalSizeOfTableInMB", "ColumnCardinality",
"MaxCardinality", "MaxCardinalityColumn", "LastRefreshDate"}
Thanks, TAMATAM ; Business Intelligence & Analytics Professional
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